Working Trailer Fire - Mason Dixon Drive Fenwick Island
Friday, April 24, 2009
On 4/24/2009 at 0306hrs the Bethany Beach Fire Company was alerted with Roxana (90), Millville (84) and SCEMS to a reported structure fire. Bethany Beach Units Q704 and T707 arrived to find a single wide trailer heavily involved with fire. Q704's crew made entry through the front door providing an aggressive interior attack stopping the fires progress. T707's crew arrived handling primary search and ventilation tasks. The remaining arriving units were used for secondary search, ventilation and overhaul services with Millville (84) providing the RIT. Units cleared the scene shortly after 5am. Asst. Chief Truitt had the command.
Units on Scene: Q704 - T707 - R706 - DV708 E901 - E904 - E846 - A70 - A90 – SCEMS
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