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Emergency Medical Services
The BBVFC Emergency Medical Services Division is an unprecedented collaboration between the fire company and property owners within the towns of Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island and the Sea Colony Recreation Association. The financial commitment of these sponsors and others allowed for service to begin operation on December 31st, 2008. Throughout the first year of service, additional individuals and homeowner associations joined the sponsors by providing annual financial support to the EMS Service. This solid backing from the community allowed for an exceptional EMS Service to flourish.
The primary ambulance is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by a team of eight career Firefighter/ Emergency Medical Technicians, Part-Time EMTs and an EMS Chief. The versatility offered by having employees cross-trained as firefighters allows our service to react promptly and efficiently to any emergency that we are dispatched for. The secondary ambulance is staffed by volunteer EMTs or Firefighter/EMTs who often leave work or their families to cover second EMS calls in the area. The BBVFC also receives and provides immediate mutual-aid assistance to the Millville, Roxana, and Rehoboth Beach Vol. Fire Companies, along with the Ocean City Fire Department in Maryland.
Other agencies that we work hand in hand with include the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center (9-1-1), who receives and dispatches emergency calls, Sussex County EMS-Paramedics which provide immediate on scene Advanced Life Support care, Delaware State Police and Maryland State Police Aviation Divisions and the Christiana Hospital's Life Net Med-Evac service. All of these partnerships ensure that our patients receive rapid treatment and transport to appropriate medical facilities.
BBVFC EMTs are certified by the State of Delaware, with a majority also possessing their National Registry EMT certification. EMTs provide Basic Life Support under the direction of a State Medical Director and follow both on-line and off-line medical direction, where an EMT either speaks directly with a physician about patient care, or they follow State of Delaware approved protocols and standards of care. EMTs are required to maintain their CPR/AED certification, must obtain forty-eight hours of continuing education, and also attend a twenty-four hour EMT refresher every two years.
The BBVFC strives to provide the highest quality of emergency care possible to the residents and visitors of the Quiet Resorts. If you have not yet subscribed to the EMS Service, please follow the Ambulance Subscription link above for information and an application. Please feel free to contact us using the fields below as we value your comments and feedback.