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Assist Station 84 with a Residential Fire - 796 Hickman Drive in Whites Creek Manor
Monday, July 4, 2011
At 1510 on Monday July 4, 2011 Station 70, 90 and SCEMS were dispatched to a reported working residential fire on Hickman Drive in Whites Creek Manor. 70-8 with Chief Powell arrived on the scene and reported heavy flames and smoke from the second division of a large 2.5 story residence. Engine 84-6 began an interior attack with Station 70 units assisting with truck company operations. Additional units from Frankford, Dagsboro, Selbyville and Rehoboth Beach were requested and a water supply was established by drafting from a nearby marina. As fire extended into the roof truss area, interior crews were withdrawn and defensive operations commenced. Quint and Tower 70 utilized master streams to control the fire and it was declared under control at 1620. During overhaul and cleanup operations crews were confronted with a torrent of rain and lightning that dumped over 1 ½ inches of rain on the scene. Units cleared the scene at 1800 hours and the Delaware State Fire Marshal is investigating the cause.