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Bethany Fire Company Assist Rehoboth Fire Company With A House Fire

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Rehoboth, Lewes, and Bethany Fire Units responded to a reported house fire on Sand Dune Drive off of East Lake Drive South Rehoboth on Tuesday morning at approx 0300 hrs. Arriving units found 2 large Beach Homes well involved with a strong Northeast wind blowing off the ocean moving the flames towards 2 other structures. Crews put a Master Stream and handline in service to slow the progress while setting up Tower Ladders and establishing water. Limited access to the homes made for only limited equipment to be placed near the scene. At the height Tower 86, Ladder 82, Tower 70 and Quint 70 all had their Aerial Devices applying water to stop the inferno. Three other residence's had heat and smoke damage only, due to the efforts of over 100 firghters on the scene from all over Sussex County prevent the homes from being destroyed.

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