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Electrical Fire, Hook em & Cook em - York Beach Mall-South Bethany Beach
Friday, August 21, 2015
On Friday, 21 August 2015, mid-morning, the Bethany Beach Fire Company received an alarm for an Electrical Fire at Hook Em & Cook Em, situated at the York Beach Mall in South Bethany Beach. Fortunately, BBVFC Life Member, Richard Mais, owner of McCabe’s Deli was to the rear of his business when he heard a loud popping noise. McCabe’s Deli is several businesses from Hook Em & Cook Em. Mr. Mais’ former firefighter instincts caused him to immediately ascertain the location of the electrical fire which was found beneath an exterior rear shed utilized to store supplies bait for Hook Em & Cook Em. Due to the type of location and many customers that frequent this location, there was a significant amount of fire apparatus and manpower dispatched to that location. There were 9 pieces of equipment at the scene. Our firefighter brothers and sisters from Millville Fire Company assisted with an Engine Company. All traffic control was handled by the Fire-Police under the direction of Captain Bill Bowden Sr. Delmarva Electric was notified by Fire Chief Brian Martin to respond without hesitation for safety reasons. Once their representative arrived, the free flow of customers was again allowed to shop at the mall. There were no injuries reported and no noticeable structural damage to the primary or secondary buildings at York Mall.