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4th. Annual Bethany Beach Triathlon - Bethany Beach, Delaware
Sunday, September 20, 2015
As many residents of Bethany Beach already know, this was the weekend for the 4th Annual Triathlon which is a major fund raiser for the Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company. The festivities commenced Friday afternoon at Hollywood Street at the surf. A practice swim was organized for first-time participants at 3 pm. Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company positioned Gator-70, a John Deere All-Terrain Vehicle on the beach for precautionary purposes. This vehicle was staffed by Chief Brian Martin and Deputy Chief Shane Truitt. Fortunately the seas were incredibly tranquil this year and no rip-currents were evident. This afforded Chief’s Martin and Truitt an opportunity to get a suntan and perform no water rescues! Later Friday evening at the Starboard Restaurant in Dewey Beach, participant packages were being distributed to the early birds. The Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company placed their Quint 70-5 on static display at the restaurant parking lot. Numerous individuals exhibited interest in observing this particular piece of fire apparatus up close with the aerial ladders elevated skyward. As you can see from some of the photographs, this was a magnet for both children and a few adults who were able to board and look at the fire engines interior. On Saturday afternoon the primary participant packages were being distributed from 3 pm to 8 pm at Fire Headquarters on Hollywood Street. The lines were endless with more than 700 individual race packets being distributed to participants. Once again at 3 pm, a practice swim was convened at the surf with fire company personnel again on standby at the beach. On Sunday, 20 September 2015, the 4th Annual Bethany Beach Triathlon started early in the morning. It is safe to say it was an event-free event. Other than a medical emergency surfside from a swimmer and a bicyclist that accidently collided with a parked Delaware State Police vehicle, no serious problems were encountered. Most individuals have little idea of the numerous public agencies that are employed to provide such an event, many are volunteers. Those involved are as follows: Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company, BBVFC Marine Unit personnel on Jet-Skis, Sussex County Fire-Police, Sussex County Paramedics, Beach Patrols from both Bethany Beach and Sea Colony Complex. Bethany Beach Public Works and especially Police Department personnel are stationed throughout the area to provide safe passage for the race participants and motorists. I’m certain there are many others involved that are unknown. Every individual involved deserves accolades for assisting in such a successful endeavor. Chief Brian Martin, EMS Chief Phil Brackin and Fire-Police Captain Bill Bowden Sr. made certain this would be successful Triathlon taking command of their various duties.