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MVC With Door Pop - Coastal Hwy & Central Blvd.

Friday, December 8, 2006

The BBVFC, Ambulance 84 (Millville VFC) and Sussex County EMS responded to a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Central Blvd. & Coastal Hwy. Arriving units found two vehicles off the roadway, one against a tree with the driver injured and trapped. EMTs from Ambulance 84 gained access through the rear window and made contact with the driver. Rescue 70's crew stabilized the vehicle and removed the driver's door. Other crews assisted with extrication and debris removal. The driver was freed within minutes and transported to a local hospital. Firefighters cleaned up the roadway and returned to service. Deputy Chief Brian Martin was in command. Units Responding: R70,Q70,E70-1,70-11,A-84,SCEMS Medic 105,DSFP,BBPD

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