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Rehoboth Fire Co. Presents A life Saving Award To The Members Of the BBVFC - Bethany Beach Fire Company Headqurters

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On March 10th the Rehoboth Beach Fire Company officers along with firefighter Walter Brittingham presented a life saving award to the crew members from quint 70 ( Lt. Wisseman, Sgt Hudson, FF Donofrio, and FF/PM Hammerer) for there valiant efforts on February 16th as they operated as the R.I.T. at structure fire in Dewey Beach. Firefighter Brittingham was operating the pump panel on engine 869 just behind were the crew from Quint 70 established there staging area. Firefighter Donofrio heard a thud and turned around to find Firefighter Brittingham on the ground. The crew from quint 70 rushed to firefighter Brittingham’s side. The crew quickly checked for a pulse finding no pulse they quickly applied the AED and shocked firefighter Brittingham 1 time restoring his heart beat. If it was not for the quick action of the crew from quint 70, the doctors at the hospital told Firefighter Brittingham that he would not be here today. The crew from quint 70 was also present the Medal Of Merit by the Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company. Great Job Guys!!!!

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