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The Ladies Report - Claudia McClenny
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The BBVFC Ladies’ Auxiliary was established on 9/11/57. Its primary functions are to assist at fire scenes with food and drinks, to raise funds and to promote goodwill for the company. Over the years, we’ve run card parties, fashion shows, bake sales, 50/50 raffles, craft shows and worked with the men on bingo, casino and poker. Through these efforts, the Ladies Auxiliary has donated equipment, building improvements and even a boat to help serve the Quiet Resorts. In the beginning, many ladies joined alongside their firefighting husbands. Their number has declined, however, as many newer firefighters are either not married or have a working spouse. As a result, ladies who joining on their own has grown and they are welcome! Why do we join the Ladies Auxiliary? Past president and current vice-president Jolene Barthel and her husband, John, moved to Fenwick Island in 1993. Jolene says, “When John realized that the BBVFC was all-volunteer, he joined. Through him, I realized what an important role the company plays in the community and felt it would be a privilege to serve. I joined the Ladies Auxiliary in 2001 and have greatly enjoyed the fellowship and friendship. I look forward to serving the fire company and community for many more years.” Eleven-year member Martha Feher joined after her life member husband Andy passed away. “In 1966, my husband and I became full time residents of Bethany Beach. Andy immediately joined the BBVFF and was proud of and dedicated to it. In 1997, I joined the Ladies Auxiliary. At that time, our big events were weekly bingo and casino nights. We worked hard and loved it. The togetherness was great. Later, training for the firefighters became so demanding with new procedures, technology and equipment that there was no time for weekly fundraisers. We adapted and the ladies remain dedicated and willing to do whatever the company needs. We are proud to serve our fire company and our community.” Sue Fuller has been president numerous times during her 14 years of service. Sue says, “When a group of women get together to support an organization, you know they will have fun and accomplish something for the community. We freely give our time and energy to help with fundraisers. In a major emergency, we prepare meals for the firefighters. This year, we held an artisan fair and sold food during the poker events and Gerald Hocker’s Springtime Jamboree. We do our tasks with enthusiasm and grace and look forward to another year of supporting the company and the community. Come out and join us!” Julia Laderer says, “I can’t believe that it has been over ten years since I joined the Ladies Auxiliary. The work over the years has been very rewarding. By participating, I met visitors as well as many local people. We do everything we can to support the firefighters, who are always there when needed. I am proud to be part of this group.” Julia has two sisters in the Roxanna Ladies Auxiliary. Barbara Brown joined the ladies for very personal reasons. Four years ago, her husband Ralph, a long-time volunteer firefighter in Pennsylvania, suffered a heart attack while exercising at Sea Colony. I was with her at the time and we watched in awe as BBVFC firefighters and Millville VFC EMTs treated him and rushed him to Beebe. The doctors were amazed and called his survival a miracle. She goes on, “Our story has a happy ending. Ralph recovered, we moved to Bethany Beach and we both joined the BBVFC. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would join a fire company. What did that have anything to do with me or my life? Well, after seeing what a wonderful group of caring and trained professionals did for us in our time of need, I am forever indebted to them and want to help them in their efforts to protect our community here at the beach where life is good again!” Kathy Myers joined her first Ladies Auxiliary when she married in 1987. “I joined because I wanted to be part of the support system for firefighters. I wanted to be sure that they were taken care of before, during and after alarms. In the Auxiliary, I also developed precious friendships that I have today.” In 2008, Kathy joined the BBVFC Ladies Auxiliary. “Times have changed,” she says. “Our daughter has grown up and become part of the EMS community and when my husband joined the BBVFC, I saw the same need I saw back in 1987. As a new member of this group, I was welcomed with open arms and caring hearts. I hope to have many years of service with the ladies and, as an EMT, I plan on helping with the new ambulance service.” Current president Claudia McClenny talks about her reasons for joining in 2002. “Whenever Tony and I heard the old siren, we would comment ‘There goes Wayne and the boys.’ I always said a prayer for the firefighters and those in need. I couldn’t help but think about their dedication while I was comfortably snuggled in my bed. It wasn’t long after this that I decided I wanted to be a part of this organization.” There are many more stories and many more reasons for joining the Ladies Auxiliary. Most importantly, the community needs you. If you are interested, please call me at 302-539-5638. We can provide details and answer any questions you might have.