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EMS Day 2012 - Headquarters
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The summer like Saturday in Bethany Beach was perfect weather for the community to come to headquarters and see the Emergency Medical Resource’s that protect our community every day. Approximately 200 people came out to celebrate this year’s theme “EMS, not a job a calling” and view the EMS units of Bethany Beach and many of our partners that respond to calls by both residence and visitors. Joining us for our open house was units from Sussex County EMS, Millville VFC, Rehoboth Beach VFC, Frankford VFC, Bethany Beach PD, Delaware State Police, Delaware State Fire School, Delaware Emergency Management Agency, Beebe Medical Center and Atlantic General Hospital. The day also featured landings and displays by Delaware State Police Trooper 2 and Christiana Care Life Net 2 Helicopters. BBQ sandwiches where provided by Bethany Blues BBQ. Supplies for drinks and baked goods where provided by local grocery stores Hockers, Giant, Food Lion and Harris Teeters. Members, Ladies Auxiliary and community members also provided baked goods for the event. Free T-shirts honoring our EMS professionals where also given to all that attended. Our visitor’s where treated to good food, community service and learning ways they can stay safe here this summer and all year long.